Many residents and visitors marvel at the Mayor’s Mansion on visits to the west end of the beachfront in the capital. Since the incredibly early days of Chocolate City’s foundation the palatial residence has been a fixture at the corner of 1st Ave and Wilhelm Blvd.
In compensation for getting the city’s finances in order, and with a large surplus, the mayor was rewarded with both the estate and a promise that the building would never be moved regardless of the city’s growth. One unusual stipulation from the mayor was that no structures could impede the view from the estate along the beachfront. While regarded as self-serving by many this was agreed to after the rapid growth and wealth the city had seen.
As the rest of the beachfront became populated with a variety of entertainment, shopping, and recreational locations there was a push to utilize the large piece of vacant land adjacent to the mansion. After many discussions and a few backdoor deals, the mayor agreed to allow development in the area as long as he could select the type of structures. Soon after the Waterfront Wharf, Luxury Beach Hotel and Luxury Beach House were built and provided popular locations for citizens and tourists to visit. The mayor himself frequently rents the Luxury Beach House for private events while the Luxury Beach Hotel attracts many out of town visitors. The hotel is also used by visiting futebol teams while in the city for their matches with the CC Conquerors.
On 1st Avenue just west of the mansion the city built its first Public Library and the Balloon Park. There are daily hot-air balloon rides which give participants a stunning view of the city from above, from the beachfront to the mountain range and the Old Town District and Riverbank. The smaller library was eventually replaced with the beautiful Artist Atelier which boosted education scores in the vicinity. A favorite for many is the Tower of Chips Epic building a block north which changes external colors through an elaborate lighting system and can be seen from the beach and north on Wilhelm.
For several years, the mansion had two circular skyscrapers straddle the residence giving an increased sense of presence and importance as well as a navigation point for ships approaching the city. With the addition of the new Epic designs these buildings were replaced with two beautiful and streamlined Tower of Opera’s as the new vanguard. One block away on 2nd Ave and Wilhelm is the fantastic University Art Gallery and to the east there are many colorful beach Epic buildings – in fact, Epic development began in this area of the city. The sim-made river stops right before the mansion as the mayor did not agree with its continuation to Interstate 10 along the beachfront in front of the mansion.
Be sure and stop by when in the area to see the sights and perhaps tour the Mayor’s Mansion – there are occasional “open houses” that provide a stunning experience as you wander through the many elaborately decorated rooms.